Last Hope


Jay was on his ship in the sea. All of a sudden it started to rain cats and dogs. There was a lot of turbulence on the ship. He had 30 passengers onboard. They all started to panic. They wanted to escape the ship as fast as possible. Jay gave them life saver jackets but there were only 30 jackets. Jay told the passengers, “Wear these jackets and leave the ship; I want to save my ship”. All the passenger got in the rescue ship and Jay ejected the boat from the ship. There was no one except Jay on the ship. He hoped that someone would come to rescue him. The ship just kept on sailing. Some part of his ship had sunk in the water.

It was night already. Jay slept on the ship. It was morning by the time Jay woke up. Half of his ship had sunk in the water. Jay looked around for help. Then he suddenly saw an island his ship was sailing towards the island. After a while he had reached the island. Jay thought “I have discovered this island so it should belong to me”. Jay decided to name the island “Last Hope” because it was his last hope to reach home safely. Jay wanted to make a map of the island. So, he started to explore the island he started walking and found a lake he named the lake “Golden Waters”.


After a long walk he found some temples. When he checked the temples, he found some gloves. He was confused how were there gloves kept on this island? He took the gloves with him. Now he found a forest. He was very hungry. He saw an orange tree. He could not reach the oranges. He was thinking “Could I break the tree with the gloves?”. He tried to break the tree with his gloves and bamm… broke the tree. He was shocked to see the tree break with the gloves. He took the oranges and ate them. He hoped help would arrive in a few days. It turned dark and he was sleepy. He had a good nap in the night. The next day was day 2 on the island he went to the forest to find breakfast. In the forest he found some banana plants he took 4 bananas and 1 orange for breakfast. He continued to explore the island. His map helped him find the places he had discovered. He went to the temples to find something useful like the gloves. After 3 hours of searching, he found a device with a microphone button on the screen it was written “Tell what you want”. He tried to ask for something but nothing happened. The device said “need coal to run”. He named the device “Magicvice”. He had to find coal to run the magicvise so he thought where could he get coal? He got a idea he could use the gloves to dig under the island and get coal. He dug a bit down and not too much because it was getting hotter and hotter. After 5 hours he found a piece coal he took that piece of coal to the magicvise he put the coal in the back of magicvise. He pressed the button and a sound came which said “Listening” the first thing he asked for was a heat protector suit because he can get more coal by digging down more and he won’t feel hot as he would without it and the suit appeared . He was tired at again went to the forest for lunch as he reched the forest he thought “I can ask magicvise for food and not have these fruits”. He clicked the microphone button and asked for pancakes and he had them for lunch. He wanted to make a house he cut down some trees in the forest and got wood and he got ropes to hold the wood from magicvise. It was 7:30pm by the time he had finished making his house. He wanted some furniture for the house. He got a bed and table from magicvise.  The sky again turned dark and he went to sleep on his bed. Days were passing and no help had arrived.



To be continued…...



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